Reliance Bank announces the appointment of Benji Ashiagbor as Head of Customer Experience
Reliance Bank are pleased to announce the appointment of Benji Ashiagbor as their Head of Customer Experience. Benji was previously the Commercial Support Manager within Reliance Bank.
Paul Croucher – Managing Director for Reliance Bank said: “I am delighted that Benji will be our new Head of Customer Experience. Benji has already helped us achieve first place overall for customer satisfaction in the Charity Finance 2020 Banking Survey, outperforming high street banks. Benji will be building on that achievement and supporting the bank through digital transformation and broader change as we further develop our business model to focus on the Charity and social impact sectors. Benji brings highly relevant skills and experience from the roles he has held within Metro Bank and HSBC.”
Benji Ashiagbor – newly appointed Head of Customer Experience for Reliance Bank said: “It is an honour and a privilege to lead the team. I am really proud of what the bank has already achieved in its mission to support our business, charity and personal customers as we deliver positive social impact. I am dedicated to leading and managing the team to continue to provide exceptional levels of service to customers every second of the day and drive social impact business and mortgage lending at a challenging time.”
Helping good people do great things with money
Reliance Bank has been at the forefront of socially responsible banking since 1890, when we were formed by William Booth the founder of The Salvation Army. Reliance Bank are proud of its shareholder The Salvation Army International, who help people whose lives have been affected by emergencies, disasters, poverty, and social inequality.
The power to change lives
Reliance Bank don’t see money as an end in itself. But we do know that money has the power to change lives. In the right hands, it can be a force for good. That’s why Reliance Bank prioritise business lending to organisations delivering positive social impact in the UK. Over the years we’ve worked with social impact businesses of all shapes and sizes. From them we have learnt to put compassionate customer service at the heart of what we do.
To find out more about Reliance Bank visit: www.reliancebankltd.com
Or contact one of our Relationship Managers by emailing commercial@reliancebankltd.com
Or call 0207 398 5400.