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Here at Reliance Bank, we don’t see money as an end in itself. For us and our customers, the real value of money is in what it can be used for – making society a better and fairer place for all.

These aren’t just well-meant but empty words. We put our money where our mouth is in two main ways.

1. Giving up to 75% of our profits to The Salvation Army International

This money will be used to support The Salvation Army’s evangelical and charitable work abroad. We have already donated over £8 million to The Salvation Army both in the UK and abroad in the last 15 years.

2. Prioritising our business lending to organisations delivering positive social impact in the UK

We are particularly keen to support social purpose organisations who may be overlooked by mainstream banks.

Here you can see some of the ways we’ve been changing lives for the better for well over a hundred years.

Case Studies

The Salvation Army

We are proud to be the bank of The Salvation Army International. Find out more about our shared history.

We are proud to be the bank of The Salvation Army International. Find out more about our shared history.

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Reliance Bank Limited. All rights reserved. Registered in England. Registration no. 68835.

Reliance Bank Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority.

Financial Services Register number 204537. Member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

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